ZoomLCD help - 7. Time

7.1 Time Played, Total Time

String containing timeline data.

$dll(zp,1,1,0)Time Played / Total Time, formated as HH:MM:SS / HH:MM:SS
$dll(zp,1,1,1)Time Played, formated as HH:MM:SS
$dll(zp,1,1,2)Total Time, formated as HH:MM:SS
$dll(zp,1,1,3)Time Remaining, formated as HH:MM:SS
$dll(zp,1,1,4)Time played in 100%, integer number
$dll(zp,1,1,5)Time remaining in 100%, integer number
$dll(zp,1,1,10)Time played Hours, same as $dll(zp,1,1,1) but only the hour value
$dll(zp,1,1,11)Time played Minutes, same as $dll(zp,1,1,1) but only the minute value
$dll(zp,1,1,12)Time played Seconds, same as $dll(zp,1,1,1) but only the seconds value
$dll(zp,1,1,20)Total time Hours, same as $dll(zp,1,1,2) but only the hour value
$dll(zp,1,1,21)Total time Minutes, same as $dll(zp,1,1,2) but only the minute value
$dll(zp,1,1,22)Total time Seconds, same as $dll(zp,1,1,2) but only the seconds value
$dll(zp,1,1,30)Time Remaining Hours, same as $dll(zp,1,1,3) but only the hour value
$dll(zp,1,1,31)Time Remaining Minutes, same as $dll(zp,1,1,3) but only the minute value
$dll(zp,1,1,32)Time Remaining Seconds, same as $dll(zp,1,1,3) but only the seconds value
$dll(zp,1,1,40)Time played in 100.00%, floating point number
$dll(zp,1,1,50)Time remaining in 100.00%, floating point number

7.2 Duration in milliseconds

$dll(zp,1,7,0)Media duration in milliseconds
$dll(zp,1,7,1)Media duration formatted as HH:MM:SS
$dll(zp,1,7,2)Media duration in seconds, rounded to nearest second
$dll(zp,1,7,3)Media duration in minutes, rounded to nearest minute
$dll(zp,1,7,4)Media duration in hours, rounded to nearest hour
$dll(zp,1,7,12)Media duration in seconds, with fractions
$dll(zp,1,7,13)Media duration in minutes, with fractions
$dll(zp,1,7,14)Media duration in hours, with fractions

7.3 Position in milliseconds

$dll(zp,1,8,0)Media position in milliseconds
$dll(zp,1,8,1)Media position formatted as HH:MM:SS
$dll(zp,1,8,2)Media position in seconds, rounded to nearest second
$dll(zp,1,8,3)Media position in minutes, rounded to nearest minute
$dll(zp,1,8,4)Media position in hours, rounded to nearest hour
$dll(zp,1,8,12)Media position in seconds, with fractions
$dll(zp,1,8,13)Media position in minutes, with fractions
$dll(zp,1,8,14)Media position in hours, with fractions

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